Drydock Facility
Drydock Facility
When we dock boats for blacking they stay on dock for the week in order to allow adequate curing time between and after coats.
Beware of dry-docks that will try to fit you into just 3 days or half a week.
We have a purpose built, covered, double dry dock, able to accommodate 2 x 72ft Narrowboats at a time. The depth across the cill is sufficient to allow docking of deep draughted craft and there is enough height on the bostocks to provide room for proper inspection or for work to be carried out to wooden bottoms.
Surveyors have commented on how they enjoy working in our dock over others.
The dock works on a Tue - Sat turn-around and available all year round. Here are some of the jobs carried out at our Dry Dock on a regular basis by our skilled engineers:
- Hull Blacking with Bitumen/Comastic/2 pack
- Counter band Paintwork
- Gunwale Paintwork
- Hull Surveys for insurance or pre-purchase
- Propeller change
- Stern tube and shaft renewal
- Anode Replacement
- Rudder and skeg straightening
- Wooden bottom Caulking
- Wooden Bottom Board replacement
- Hull Patching and plating
- Skeg and rudder cup Replacement
"Thank you for fitting our hull blacking in at such short notice. What a fabulous dry dock you have.” Miss Lovelock – N/B Henrys Cat - Hull Blacking
Drydock Rates
Dock Boat for Hull Survey 1 day only (£100 per day after) |
£400 |
Dock Vessel for Works (up to one week) | £500 |
Scrape Hull, High Pressure Blast of Hull, 10 point Hull inspection, Apply 2 coats of Bitumastic paint. (per foot)* | £8 |
Apply Third coat of Bitmastic paint to hull: Additional | £125 |
Scrape Hull, High Pressure Blast of Hull, 10 point Hull inspection , Apply 2 coats of 2 pack epoxy paint. (per ft) | £20 |
Apply additional Coat of 2 pack | £210 |
Painting of Counter /tunnel Bands | £250 |
Historic craft of rivited construction additional fee of | £150 |
10 point hull check with every blacking, we visually inspect the following:
Rudder cup
Propeller shaft (for pitting)
Stern Gear (for wear)
Sacrificial Chine
Rubbing guards
Anode condition
Our Dock is not available for DIY hire and we regret you are not permitted to liveaboard while on Dry Dock.
*Min chargeable length for blacking 40ft