A very reluctant sale by long standing canal enthusiast. Tranquillity is a time-warp of a boat that has been immaculately maintained.
Built in 1982 by Colecraft 2 + 2 berth
BMC MERMAID 1.5 engine - runs very smoothly and boats well. Dry painted bilge (no leaky stern gland ever!) Aqua drive fitted
Mikuni Central Heating
BSS - Nov 2025
Hull previously shot blast and 2 pack epoxy coated inc base plate!
2016 - professional repaint and new windows fitted
6/6/4 steel spec - excellent condition
L shape double and fixed double
porta potti toilet
shower/wet room
Calorifier hot water
3 way fridge all connections working.
side doors in engine room
Very Easy to handle
At the front of the boat is a large well deck with seating on either side. There are cushions for the seats,
As you enter through the steel (better security) doors into the lounge area. There is a large cupboard on the port side for storage and a small unit to starboard.
Directly ahead is the L shape seating area that converts to an additional double bed if required. There is a choice of table size that fits in on desmo legs. There is a radiator on the opposite cabin side.
As you move along the boat to the galley this is open to the lounge area. The galley is compact but well appointed and contains an electrolux 3 way fridge (gas,12volt and 240volt), a grill,oven and 4 burner hob as well as sink and drainer. There is still good worktop space and a small radiator in the passageway is handy for drying tea towels.
Along the passageway is the bathroom. This has a shower, porta potti toilet and hand basin.
The BMC Mermaid engine sits in it's own engine room with a set of side doors that can also be used as access. The engine room gives excellent accessibility around the engine for servicing and maintenance. Also located here is the calorifier, mikuni central heating boiler and electrical fuseboards, batteries etc.
Moving Aft is the bedroom. The double bed can be left down if required and access is then through the side door. or the very end converts to allow step access to the stern.
There is good access to a very clean bilge and weed hatch under the steering position.
Tranquillity is very simplistic in design and the décor dates back to her original time of build. She has however benefitted from a very caring owner that has maintained and serviced everything as required. The basic nature of the boat means there is much less to go wrong and Tranquillity would make an ideal first boat or holiday boat. She would also be well suited to someone who would like to get back to basics but without compromising on quality. A few simple modern alterations would make her an ideal off grid live aboard.
It is nice to see a boat so well cared for and maintained.